Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Apartheid Of South Africa - 1750 Words

â€Å"Mandela did not merely oppose white domination; he opposed domination by any racial group, including Africans. By standing firm in his principles and enduring extraordinary sacrifices that robbed him of most of his adult life, he helped force change, while proving beyond any doubt that he was a leader who could be trusted to keep his word† (Kent). Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) was a human rights activist as well as the first black President of South Africa. Referred to as the living embodiment of black liberation, Mandela specifically fought against the government system of South Africa known as apartheid (Lacayo, Washington, Monroe, Simpson). Apartheid is an Afrikaan word meaning apartness and was a system of racial segregation for the†¦show more content†¦Even before apartheid however, racist ideologies were still prominent in South Africa and affected the lives of many blacks, including Nelson Mandela. For example, in 1939, Mandela was considered fortunate to have entered the elite University of Fort Hare, which at the time was the only Western-style higher learning institute for South African blacks. Sadly, in 1940 Mandela and several other students were sent home from the university for participating in a boycott against university policies that would not allow a democratically chosen student council (Hunt); however Mandela was lucky to have even had the opportunity to go to Fort Hare. In fact, Mandela was the first in his family to receive a formal education, showing how uncommon it was for blacks to actually go to school let alone attend a university in South Africa. After studying law at the University of Witwatersrand, Mandela joined the African National Congress (ANC) and worked with other associates to form its youth league, the ANCYL. The ANCYL along with the ANC were responsible for coming up with tactics to respond to racism in South Africa, which started out as boycotts, strikes, civil disobedience, and other nonviolent metho ds. However, after years of peaceful rebellion, on December 5th, 1956, Mandela and 155 other activists were arrested and put on trial for treason. Luckily all defendants were freed in 1961 but by the time they

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Beginner Nurse Free Essays

CHAPTER 1 PREPARATION TO THE JOB A. Transition from beginner to Professional Before a nurse can become effective as a health care provider he or she should be psychologically and physically prepared for the job. Psychological preparedness means that the mental set and emotional state of the nurse must be ready for the everyday routines and stressors in the job. We will write a custom essay sample on The Beginner Nurse or any similar topic only for you Order Now Psychological preparedness requires assessment of the self or awareness of the self. The nurse should know own strengths and limitations as a beginner. The nurse strengths include the academic theories and trainings in the BSN degree. This will require the new nurse to refresh self about those principles, fundamentals, and theories learned from the study. Limitations include lack of expert skills and dexterity (speed and efficiency in the use of hands) of nursing procedures as hospital trainings as a BSN student were not enough to encounter those specific procedures. Expert nurses in the workplace shall serve as source of the skills not encountered in academic trainings. Proper and appropriate attitude must be adopted in adjusting into working with colleagues who had earned skills and knowledge by their tenure in their job and the environment they are used to. The beginner nurse must use therapeutic self to gain confidence and trust with existing staff in the hospital. B. Hospital Policies The beginner nurse, if not given the opportunity to have job orientation, should strive to know the existing policies of the hospital. Policies which pertains to absences, tardiness, documentations, and safety of the clients should be given due attention. The beginner nurse cannot put the safety of the patient by sudden absence or tardiness from the job. The nurse should put to mind that the welfare and safety of the patients are his or her main concerns. C. Personal matters A beginner nurse and until such time he or she had become a professional should never allow personal matters to interfere in their responsibilities in the work. This is part of the emotional preparedness of the nurse in order to maintain therapeutic use of the self. CHAPTER 2 THE ROUTINE WORK OF A GENERAL NURSE PRACTITIONER There are areas in the hospitals that have common routines. Routines are nature of works or responsibilities that are normally done and repeated throughout succeeding shifts of the work. The routine works in departments like Surgical, Medical, Pediatrics, Isolation, and some critical care units such as the ICU and CCU may have some similarities. But special areas like Operating Theater, Delivery Room, OPD, Emergency, and ambulatory units may have their own unique routines. Routines in the special areas in the hospital are not taken into consideration in this handbook but individual items may be applicable to such areas. A. First Endorsement of the Shift First endorsement is defined as an endorsement of an outgoing nurse in a shift to an incoming nurse. The main purpose of this endorsement is to ensure continuity of care and avoid errors as well as missing vital interventions to the patient such as medications and special instructions. Endorsement will also safeguard personal safety of the incoming nurse of cases that are infectious that deserves special infection precautions. Below is the table for chronological items for endorsement. Table 1. Relevant Chronological Data for Patient Endorsement Patient’s name and Bed Number Diagnosis (medical) Attending Physician Age of the patient Medications Special InstructionsOngoing Interventions Laboratories and Diagnostics Special Needs of the Patient Latest Vital Signs THE PATIENT’S NAME and BED NUMBER Knowing your patient is an indispensible part of safety of care. This is to avoid mix up in the identification and documentation of the right patient. Though merely knowing the name of the patient is not enough this has to be validated by the incoming nurse when the nurse performs his or her own rounds. The endorsement shall give the name and the bed number of the patient. DIAGNOSIS Knowledge of the diagnosis or diagnoses are both for the safety of the nurse and the client as well. What is endorsed is the medical diagnosis as determined by the attending physician. With knowledge of the medical diagnosis, a nurse can immediately provide appropriate independent and dependent interventions per clinical judgment as he or she performs the nurse rounds. ATTENDING PHYSICIAN Endorsing the name of the attending physician will alert the nurse who to immediately refer to in the event of emergency or urgent situation arises. There should be an established system of how to reach attending physician or an alternate physician in case of emergent situation. One such system is the permanent list of telephone number to which the physician can be reached. If there is special consultant/s assigned to the patient it might as well be included too in the endorsement. AGE OF THE PATIENT Age of the patient is necessary for endorsement information so that the incoming nurse can anticipate what nursing approach to implement. MEDICATIONS As a matter of principle, errors in medication are never tolerated. However, no matter we desire for perfection, the chance and occurrence of an error may always be present. Errors in medication have different aspects. See Table 2 for types of medication errors. Wrong medication administered once absorbed by the body may have from nil to serious effects. We cannot afford to wait for a serious incident before becoming conscious of the proper medication. Table 2. Some Types of Medication Error 1. Failure to properly document medication. 2. Missing to carry out medication advice such as new prescription, modification of medicine, and discontinuance of medicine. 3. Mistake in the correct name, dosage, route, and timing of the medication. 4. Missed or interrupted medication. 5. Failure to observe Rights to Medication 6. Failure to maintain asepsis in medication administration. 7. Failure to validate doubts to medication. 8. Inappropriate nursing assessment of the client prior to medication administration. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Special instructions are instructions coming the principal care provider of the patient such his or her attending physician, specialist, consultant, or from a senior house officer (SNO) Table 3. Some Lists of Special Instructions 1. Complete bed rest without bathroom privileges (CBR w/o BP) 2. On NPO 3. On clear or liquid diet only 4. No dark colored diet5. Gluten free diet 6. Turn to side q certain hours 7. Instructions to known allergies of the patient such as aspirin or a kind of antibiotic 8. For breath retraining Note: the nurse should also exercise clinical judgment to implement independent nursing intervention without the instruction of professional advice. Table 4. Some List of Independent Nursing Interventions 1. Nursing assessment 2. Turning the patient 3. Deep breathing and coughing 4. Checking of gag or swallowing reflex 5. Vital signs as PRN or stat 6. Referral to head and physician 7. Infection control and safety 8. Splinting of abdominal surgery9. ROM exercise 10. Providing comfort and massage 11. TSB 12. Early safe ambulation 13. Oxygen therapy 14. Positioning of HOB or head of bed 15. Oral suctioning 16. Termination of infiltrated IV access ONGOING and TO BE- CARRIED-OUT INTERVENTION Ongoing intervention is a nursing implementation of an advice that is currently being administered and is attached to the patient when the nurse who initiated it is to leave from work or bound for home. The safety of the client is primary purpose of the importance of this endorsement; secondly to avoid miscommunication or confusion to the ingoing process on the patient; and finally to ensure continuity of care. It is best to include in this aspect of endorsement relevant data to obtain accurate fluid intake and output monitoring such as the present volume of current IV, all volumes of catheter bags, level of serous fluids in water seal bottles, level of fluids in drainage bag, syringe pump, and all other similar procedures. Ongoing lood transfusion endorsement shall include the number of bags required, the current number of bag, number of remaining bag, date and time started, blood and Rh type, Serial number, and date of expiration. It is important that pending or to be-carried- out advice such as diagnostics and laboratory studies and fluid therapy be included as well. Missing out the advice and costly redundancy will be avoided through this way. Important attention should be given to blood transfusion advice. To be carried-out blood transfusion or BT should have result of cross-matching before implementation. Blood and Rh type for the right patient should be checked three 3 times with the last time to be confirmed by another staff. Table below lists some common intervention that may be having medium or long term intervention. Table 5. Some Medium and Long-Term Interventions 1. IVF therapy 2. Blood transfusion 3. Bladder irrigation 4. CTT with water seal bottle 5. Machine Ventilator 6. Lavage 7. Central Venous catheter 8. Urinary catheterization9. Phototherapy 10. Wound drainage 11. Hemovac 12. Skin or skeletal traction 13. Infusion pump 14. Syringe pump 15. Antithrombotic device By Dennis D. Monte, University of Sirte, Libya How to cite The Beginner Nurse, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Market Research Proposal and Positioning Map free essay sample

Arguments to choose this type of survey: * Quick way to get results * Cheap * Easy to analyze * Various options of visual aids (e. g. diagrams, charts) can be done automatically * Best way for high response rate, especially if possibility to win free gift is offered to the respondents who will fill out the questionnaire (e. g. offer them to win X1 Fitness or other sports accessory) Also personal interviews with key decision makers would be very helpful. Arguments to choose this type of survey: Respondents who can offer special insight It will cost a lot less than traditional face-to-face interviews, because a lot less staff will be needed to carry out surveys, when interviewing only few people * There is no need to motivate respondents, because they are interested in generating more sales Research Design Research has to be carried out by sending out online questionnaire (as well as paper version) and interviewing face-to-face key decision makers in the market (managers of leading sport accessory and electronics stores). First method of research would help to identify how the product is perceived by customers, second would help to get some advertisements ideas. Research will be focused on quantitative information, since it is much easier to analyze (especially if there are many respondents). Also there would be some qualitative information involved, mainly to find out about product perception. This project focuses on field research. First of all, paper questionnaires should be sent out to professional athletes, fitness centres and sport equipment/electronics store’s customers to be filled out. At the top of the questionnaire there should be a picture and description of the product. There should be possibility to win a prize mentioned at the top as well, for high response rate. Secondly, links to online questionnaire should be posted to various websites (sport/health/technical related blogs, sport supplies e-shops, electronic devices e-shops, sport/health/technical related groups on Facebook, etc). Problem Statement The research is done to find out about new product perception among current and potential customers, and create advertising strategy adapted to the main target group. Questionnaire Types of questions: 1. Personal information (e. g. How old are you? ; What is your monthly income? ) 2. Sport habits (e. g. How often do you work out? ; Do you use personal trainer services? If no, why? ; 3. Product perception (e. g. Please rate the following features of X1 Fitness on how important they are to you; What do you like most about our new product? open question; What do you like least? open question; Which of the following benefits is more useful to you? ; How interested you were in buying X1 Fitness if it was available to you? ; Other than the product itself, which of the following would most influence you when deciding to buy a new product like this? ; Where do you prefer to buy electronic devices? ; How do you get information about different electronic devices? First group of questions need to be asked to identify target group. It would be easiest to do by identifying age and income. Second group of questions needs to be asked to analyze different exercising habits by different people. Third group of questions is the most important one and has most questions. To create effective advertising strategy it’s vital to understand features and benefits of the product that are appealing for the consumer (both of these are open questions to find out real opinion, not a suggested one), as well as buying influencing factors. Two last questions will give some ideas about distribution and advertising channels. Interviewing face-to-face key decision makers It should be structured and personal interviews with key decision makers in the industry (managers of leading sport accessory and electronics stores). Opportunity to gather data outside customer perspective and get valuable ideas for the advertising is not to be missed. Respondents who work in the industry have special insight. Most probably they will share opinions to generate more profit for both sides. Types of questions to be asked: 1. Product potential (do you sell similar products? what products sell best? ; what does the customers think about different products who have the same feature? ) 2. Advertising suggestions (what advertising/promotion campaigns do you currently run for sport accessories? ; what is the customer response to these campaigns? ; please list few very successful advertising campaigns for sport accessory products – open que stion; advertising suggestion of the X1 Fitness product) Analysis of the results Results have to gathered and analyzed in 2 different groups: fitness centers customers and respondents who filled out online questionnaire and professional athletes. Depending on resources for advertising, 2 different campaigns could be created to target two different groups of potential customers: one for professional athletes and one for sport enthusiasts. If advertising expenses have to be minimal, only one advertising strategy could be created, focused on main target group (similar income rate, age group and sport habits). Either way strategy has to be focused on the most important features and benefits as well as customer likes/dislikes about the product. Face-to-face interviews most probably offer different kind of perspective. It will help to create appealing advertising campaign that really works. Cafe Verona To make useful positioning map a lot of information about the company and competitors is needed. In the project description not too much information is provided and there is very little information on the Internet (websites crucial for attracting tourists, e. g. http://www. goteborg. com, http://www. tripadvisor. com, does not have any information about Cafe Verona). It does not have a website of it’s own nor Facebook page and it doesn’t help to advertise the business. It is more useful to use star diagram instead of typical two axes positioning map. This way more attributes influencing customer decision will be considered, instead only few. To get clear understanding about customer preferences and reasons behind it, market research has to be done, about how important each of these attributes are for the customer. Factors for the market positioning map: Pricing is an important measure for the customer, especially in this economic climate. Expensive and prestigious cafe attract completely different kind of target group than budget cafe. Catering businesses that have similar pricing are the closest competitors. Wide or limited choice of products offered is also very important factor for the customer. If there are only few options on the menu there are less chances customer will find what he likes. Service is one of the key factors when evaluating cafe/restaurant. Friendly and professional staff can make the experience better or worse. It also means a lot for the first impression and gives suggestion about the level of the eatery. Environment makes an impact for the overall impression about the eatery. Good environment is pleasant, relaxing and welcoming, not too noisy or crowded. Serving size is also important factor, especially looking at the reviews of different eateries. Customers are not willing to pay high price for small portions of food, unless it’s fancy famous restaurant serving exceptional quality food. Quality is the overall impression about the eatery. Customers decide about the quality by evaluating how professional the staff is, how comfortable environment is, interior of the eatery, etc. Star positioning map: Criteria for identifying competitors could be eateries (cafes and restaurants) that: * Offer similar products and/or service strategy * Have same target groups * Have similar pricing * Are located in same area Cafes/restaurants that are similar can be compared easier. There have to be not too many attributes by which cafes/restaurants are being compared. If there are a lot, only very small group will be considered as competitors, but there might be much more on the market. Key attributes mentioned above will select similar type of cafe/restaurant which appeals for the same target group.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Living Color free essay sample

This is still a rough copy, but I would like to get some feedback on the essay anyway. thanks! Gender. Place of birth. Financial background, residence, religion, IQ, genes, environment and social input. These are factors that, all together, make us who we are. Bits and pieces of all these influences, sewn together into an intricate fabric, similar to other fabrics, yet different; having its own intricacies and imperfections, both growing and shrinking over time in order to be refined into something better. Life, and maturation brings different things for different people. Many people weave responsibility seamlessly into their fabric. Some people, however, have slower, more precise hands, taking time to pinpoint where to place this thread perfectly so that it will define their fabric. Like a key change in the symphony of a person’s life, how one deals with responsibility can grow to define their existence on this planet. We will write a custom essay sample on Living Color or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Many of my responsibilities have always come from the church I attend. Leading the worship band, being a â€Å"Youth Leader†, and helping with an immeasurable amount of church events, and youth fundraising took up much of my time. I stopped playing Football and Baseball in order to continue helping the youth group, and thus, make that the base of my fabric, the core of my life. However, as life went on, I realized I needed more balance in my life. Putting all of my time into the youth took its toll on other areas of my life, and I realized I had to broaden the scale of my fabric and make it encompass many areas without being overly focused on any particular area. Anything in excess is bad, whether it be food, work, or even being content; complacency at its core is an excess of being content. Which is why over the last two years I have learned that I must never become complacent. There is always more to be done: playing a simple four-chord song for worship was alright, but I was capable of more, and strove to do so; to weave color into my music, to master the intricacies of each piece. My love for reading has brought an exceptionally unique color into the fabric of my life. Even as a younger child I strove to read books, from reading The Hobbit and the whole Lord Of The Rings trilogy so that my parents would let me watch the movies, to The Fortunate Pilgrim , and A Series Of Unfortunate Events. Literature has added experiences and texture to the fabric of my life that would’ve never occurred if I had been content with reading only books that were assigned. Even though this fabric has been affected in so many ways, and by so many people, works of both music and literature, and events, it is not complete. It can never be complete, because my nature tells me I will forever strive to do more; I refuse to become complacent. What makes me who I am will forever be changing; colors will continue to be added to the fabric, the masterpiece of my life until the day I die.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Dear Basketball

Dear Basketball, It’s been almost 28 years since the first day we met. 28 years since I saw you in the back of our garage. 28 years since my parents introduced us. If someone would have told me then, what would become of us, I’m not sure I would have believed them. I barely remembered your name. Then I started seeing you around the neighborhood and watching you on television. I used to see you with guys down at the playground. But when my older brother started paying more attention to you, I started to wonder. Maybe you were different. We hung out a few times. The more I got to know you, the more I liked you. And as life would have it, when I finally got really interested in you, when I was finally ready to get serious, you left me off the varsity. You told me I wasn’t good enough. I was crushed. I was hurt. I think I even cried. Then I wanted you more than ever. So I practiced. I hustled. I worked on my game. Passing. Dribbling. Shooting. Thinking. I ran. I did sit-ups. I did push-ups. I did pull-ups. I lifted weights. I studied you. I began to fall in love and you noticed. At least that’s what Coach Smith said. At the time, I wasn’t sure exactly what was going on. But now I know. Coach Smith was teaching me how to love you, how to listen to you, how to understand you, how to respect you and appreciate you. Then it happened. That night, at the Louisiana Superdome in the final seconds of the championship game against Georgetown, you found me in the corner and we danced. Since then you’ve become more than just a ball to me. You’ve become more than just a court. More than just a hoop. More than just a pair of sneakers. More than just a game. In some respects, you’ve become my life. My passion. My Motivation. My inspiration. You’re my biggest fan and my harshest critic. You’re my dearest friend and strongest ally. You’re my most challenging teacher and most endearing student. You’re m... Free Essays on Dear Basketball Free Essays on Dear Basketball Dear Basketball, It’s been almost 28 years since the first day we met. 28 years since I saw you in the back of our garage. 28 years since my parents introduced us. If someone would have told me then, what would become of us, I’m not sure I would have believed them. I barely remembered your name. Then I started seeing you around the neighborhood and watching you on television. I used to see you with guys down at the playground. But when my older brother started paying more attention to you, I started to wonder. Maybe you were different. We hung out a few times. The more I got to know you, the more I liked you. And as life would have it, when I finally got really interested in you, when I was finally ready to get serious, you left me off the varsity. You told me I wasn’t good enough. I was crushed. I was hurt. I think I even cried. Then I wanted you more than ever. So I practiced. I hustled. I worked on my game. Passing. Dribbling. Shooting. Thinking. I ran. I did sit-ups. I did push-ups. I did pull-ups. I lifted weights. I studied you. I began to fall in love and you noticed. At least that’s what Coach Smith said. At the time, I wasn’t sure exactly what was going on. But now I know. Coach Smith was teaching me how to love you, how to listen to you, how to understand you, how to respect you and appreciate you. Then it happened. That night, at the Louisiana Superdome in the final seconds of the championship game against Georgetown, you found me in the corner and we danced. Since then you’ve become more than just a ball to me. You’ve become more than just a court. More than just a hoop. More than just a pair of sneakers. More than just a game. In some respects, you’ve become my life. My passion. My Motivation. My inspiration. You’re my biggest fan and my harshest critic. You’re my dearest friend and strongest ally. You’re my most challenging teacher and most endearing student. You’re m...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Italian Capitalization Rules

Italian Capitalization Rules In Italian, an initial capital letter (maiuscolo) is required in two instances: At the beginning of a phrase or immediately after a period, question mark, or exclamation markWith proper nouns Other than these cases, the use of uppercase letters in Italian depends on factors such as stylistic choices or publishing tradition. There is also the maiuscola reverenziale (reverential capital), which is still used frequently with pronouns and possessive adjectives that refer to Dio (God), people or things considered sacred, or people of high regard (pregare Dio e avere fiducia in Lui; mi rivolgo alla Sua attenzione, signor Presidente). In general, though, in contemporary usage, there is a tendency to avoid capitalization that is considered unnecessary. Capitalization at the Beginning of a Phrase To illustrate the occurrences where capital letters are used at the beginning of a phrase here are some examples: Titles in various genres: not just text, but also chapter headings, articles, and other subdivisionsThe start of any text or paragraphAfter a periodAfter a question mark or exclamation mark, but an initial lowercase may be permitted if there are strong logic and continuity of thoughtAt the beginning of a direct speech If a sentence begins with an ellipsis (...), then usually the examples described above begin with lowercase, except when the first word is a proper name. Those instances still require the use of the uppercase. Similarly (but more in terms of a typography choice) is the case in which a capital letter is used at the beginning of each verse in poetry, a device that is sometimes used even when verse is not written on a new line (for reasons of space), instead of using a slash (/), which is generally preferable to avoid ambiguity. Capitalizing Proper Nouns In general, capitalize the first letter of proper names (whether real or fictitious), and any terms that take their place (sobriquets, aliases, nicknames): Person (common names and surnames), animals, godsNames of entities, places, or geographical areas (natural or urban), astronomical entities (as well as astrological)Names of streets and urban subdivisions, buildings and other architectural structuresNames of groups, organizations, movements, and institutional and geopolitical entitiesTitles of artistic works, trade names, products, services, companies, eventsNames of religious or secular holidays There are also cases in which the initial letter is capitalized even with common nouns, for reasons ranging from the need to distinguish them from common concepts, personification, and antonomasia, to showing respect. Examples include: The names of historical eras and events and even of geological periods, centuries and decades; the latter can be written in lower case, but it is preferred to use uppercase if the intent is to call out the historical period.The names of a populace; usually it is customary to capitalize the historical peoples of the past (i Romani), and use lowercase for present-day people (gli italiani). Somewhat more ambiguous, however, is the use of capital letters in Italian compound nouns or in those nouns consisting of a sequence of words; there are a couple of hard-and-fast guidelines, though, that can be recommended: Initial capital letters are required with the sequence common name surname (Carlo Rossi) or more than one common name (Gian Carlo Rossi)Proper names used within nominative sequences such as: Camillo Benso conte di Cavour, Leonardo da Vinci The prepositional particles (particelle preposizionali), di, de, or d are not capitalized when used with the names of historical figures, when surnames didnt exist, to introduce patronyms (de Medici) or toponyms (Francesco da Assisi, Tommaso dAquino); they are capitalized, though, when they form an integral part of contemporary surnames (De Nicola, DAnnunzio, Di Pietro). Capitalization finds its most widespread in the names of institutions, associations, political parties and the like.  The reason for this profusion of capital letters is usually a sign of respect (Chiesa Cattolica), or the tendency to maintain the use of uppercase letters in an abbreviation or acronym (CSM Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura). However, the initial capital can also be limited to just the first word, which is the only obligatory one: the Chiesa cattolica, Consiglio superiore della magistratura.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

5.1 Identify the interested parties and 5.2 Identify the need of the Essay

5.1 Identify the interested parties and 5.2 Identify the need of the interested parties - Essay Example The construction company will require the services of workers who will mostly come from Plymouth and its surroundings. With the availability of building materials and enough labour, the casino will be completed in time (Fewings 2013). The local community will play a critical role in the process of building the casino. Firstly, it is the local community that gives consent for the construction of the casino. The community must first know that the facility will help the local economy in order for it to get a go ahead. There is a lot of labour work that is involved in the construction of the facility. The local community will provide the much-needed labor skills for the completion of the casino. Once the casino is completed, a huge percentage of employees will come from the neighbourhood. The local community is the most interested party in the construction of the facility. Many people visit casinos for various purposes. Where, traditionally, there is entertainment, people will most often enjoy their favourite drinks and food. Food and drink suppliers will be a crucial party after the building of the casino. Depending on the population of the casino, at any given time, suppliers will have to supply food and drinks occasionally. Drinks such as soft drinks and beer will be much needed because the customers will enjoy them as they follow their favourite activities. Since a majority of the people will spend most of their time in the casino, a lot of food will be needed to keep them replenished instead of them going outside and look for food. Every business requires investors who can pump in financial resources. Several business activities can be carried out inside the casino and can contribute to additional revenue. Finances from investors are very much needed to ensure that the casino will live to its expectation and help all the interested parties. Investors help to employee the locals who may be unemployed, but having

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Serial Killers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Serial Killers - Essay Example A Serial Killer is usually considered to be a person found killing two or more person within a series of incidents. It has been ascertained that serial killers are usually psychotic. There are different types of serial killers such as ‘Visionary Serial Killer’, ‘Lust Killer,’ ‘Missionary Serial Killer’, ‘Thrill Killer’ and ‘Gain Serial Killer’. As stated earlier, different types of serial killers have different motives (Leung, n.d.). Correspondingly, the primary purpose of this paper is to provide a through description of the criminal background of Dennis Rader (BTK) and explain the criminal’s behaviors. Furthermore, this paper intends to discuss psychological theories and research contributed to the apprehension, prosecution understanding and/or treatment of the criminal. Background Dennis L. Rader popularly known by the name â€Å"Bind, Torture, and Kill† (BTK) was born in the year March 09, 1945 in the city of Pittsburg, Kansas in the USA. He is the oldest son of Mr. William Rader and Mrs. Dorothea Rader. Rader’s father Mr. William was a member of the US Marine corp. who later joined a privately owned firm in the year 1948. After joining the private firm the family moved into a modest but pleasant home on N. Seneca Street which was sold after Rader was arrested in the year 2005. As a child, it was observed that Rader was normal and unremarkable like other children of that age period. It was also viewed that Rader was an active participant of Boy Scouts and was a regular activities in Church Youth group program. It was later accepted by Rader that the desire to torture and kill someone was generated during the childhood stage but had to hide it from the outside world as it was illegal against the law. However, he also admitted that as a child he killed animals by hanging them in order to fulfill his fantasy. Those who knew Rader affirmed that as a youth he was addressed a po lite and quite young man. He was also considered to be one of the most precised speaking among his friends as he only spoke very little but meaningful. With the passage of time in the year 1965, Rader enrolled into Kansas Wesleyan College in Salina. He was considered to be average student amongst his classmates. . However, in the year 1966, he joined the US Air Force with the prime motive of not being drafted into the war going on between USA and Vietnam. Rader was first send to Lack Land Air Force Base in Saint Antonio for 1 year and kept serving in the military sector till his service ended in the year 1970. It is worth mentioning at during his service in the air force Rader was ranked as sergeant for his excellence contribution to the US air force especially in installation of antenna equipment’s. Later he married Paula Dietz one of his fellow classmates and was 3 years younger than him. After their marriage they settled in Park City not far from his father’s home a nd worked in several stores till he was recruited by Cessna in the year 1973 together earning a degree in Electronics in the same year. It is worth mentioning that it took Rader 6 years of night schools to earn the degree and he describes himself as a C minus or D level students. Soon after getting fired by Cessna in the year 1973 Rader was again fascinated by his childhood desire to kill people. Soon after getting fired from the job, Rader searched for situations to fulfill his desire for killing people.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Cat In The Rain Essay Example for Free

Cat In The Rain Essay From the literary analysis I wrote, I want my readers to be able to read and understand the special relationship of the husband and wife in Ernest Hemmingway’s â€Å"Cat in the Rain.† Some critics believed that the cat representing the American wife’s desire for a child. From the first time we read Hemingway’s short story, I immediately jumped to conclusions such as the couple did not really like each other or maybe they just had a barrier in the relationship. I discovered from other critics online and through other members of the class, that I was not the only one who thought so. It was not very difficult to write the second paragraph of this paper. Many parts of the story and pieces from the articles had lots to say about the American wife and her barrier from her husban d. The paragraph about George was more difficult for me because for most of the story, he remained in the room reading throughout the story. By writing an annotation and a literary analysis over the same Hemingway story helped me to see the differences between them and how to critically analyze literature. I did struggle with quoting and referencing the articles that I drew information from, but I felt like I did my best on the writing portion of the paper. I didn’t learn much quite as much in my Comp 1 class, but I have been able to take and learn a lot from this class. Literature and writing essays has never been my strong area, but I have been able to appreciate learning what we have so far!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

Gerald Arenas Ms. Howell English 10 CPA February 25, 2014 Annotative Bibliography of Romantic Era Poetry Blake, William. â€Å"The Marriage of Heaven and Hell†. The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. 2010. Web. 2-10 24. January 2014. â€Å"The Marriage of Heaven and Hell† is about Heaven and Hell. It questions if Heaven is as good as it seems, or is it deceiving us. Throughout the poem we see that the narrator is on the deception side. Firstly he states that the Bible is the causes of human errors. The narrator also feels positively about Hell, because he describes his walk in Hell as, â€Å"delighted with the enjoyments of Genius†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Finally, in the narrator’s imagination, he explains that he read the following sentence, â€Å"How do you know but every Bird that cuts the airy way, Is an immense world of delight closed by your senses five.† What the author is trying to say is that we commonly use the Bible as our religious beliefs, but it’s possible that the Bible is limiting how we perceive the world. Coleridge, Samuel. â€Å"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.† The Pennsylvania State University. 2013. Web. 27 January 2014. â€Å"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner† begins with three men walking to attend a wedding. One of the wedding guests’ hand gets grabbed by and old man, the mariner. After the mariner lets go, the wedding guest â€Å"listens like a three years child† to the story the mariner is about to tell. The story begins with the mariner and he crew out at sea. The mariner explains it suddenly got dark and they unexpectedly encountered a giant sea bird, called the Albatross. The Albatross was a symbol of good luck, but the mariner felt the need to kill it. The mariner did just that. Once the Albatross was slain the weather got clearer and the crew congratulated him for his... ...ther example from â€Å"The Marriage of Heaven and Hell† would be is sight of a â€Å"mighty Devil folded in black clouds†. â€Å"The Prelude† uses personification to further explain the potential of the earth. This can be seen from the quote, â€Å"Walk on this Earth† (148). It tells us the earth is powerful and it is also imagination, because the earth can’t walk. In â€Å"he Rime of The Ancient Mariner†, the author uses imagination to better display the mood of a certain scene. After the mariner shot the Albatross, the narrator sets a creepy mood by stating that, â€Å"The bloody Sun, at noon†. Imagination can be seen here, as the sun cannot be bloody. The author in â€Å"Adonais† uses imagination to further set the mood of the scene. â€Å"The shadow of white Death, and at the door.† (VIII) describes how scary death is and is imagination, because Death isn’t a physical person that can stand at a door.

Monday, November 11, 2019


Discipleship is always connected with Christ and his call to follow him. In the Bible, numerous references pointed out to how Jesus asked his disciples to follow him. One such example is his experience with Simon and his brother Andrew when Jesus told them: â€Å"Come, follow me†¦ and I will make you fishers of men. † (Matthew 4:19, NIV). At first the disciples did not know what they would do as they follow Jesus. But they saw him preach, heal the sick and even proclaim the forgiveness of sins.After the resurrection of Jesus, he gave them a new command â€Å"to go and make disciples of all nation†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Matthew 28:19, NIV). This meant that the disciples were to proclaim the good news of salvation as Jesus preached and lead people into the life that Jesus lived. The Great Commission was not about making converts by the scores and thousands. It was about enabling people to follow Christ—to love one another and love one’s enemies.Discipleship is about the transformation of a person and drawing closer to the perfection that God designed in the first place (Sanders, 2007). Yet, such a process takes time. Discipleship occurs in the confines of a community and the Church. A number of contemporary churches, however, have mistaken program for discipleship. If the model for discipleship of the early church could be captured, then discipleship could be more vibrant in this time and age (Hull, 2006).While the community is important, the individual Christian also has to display the ardent desire to pursue discipleship and become more Christ-like in the process. Such an attitude will certainly help an individual in pursuing holiness and discipleship. Through the help of pastors, church workers and other lay persons, the discipleship process could be fun and believers could be mentored to become spiritually mature and in turn, they will lead others in the discipleship journey (McCallum & Lowery, 2006). Reference Hull, B. (2006). The Complete Book of Discipleship: On Being and Making Followers of Christ. New Jersey: NavPress. McCallum, D. & Lowery, J. (2006). Organic Disciplemaking: Mentoring Others Into Spiritual Maturity And Leadership. New Jersey: Touch Publications. Sanders, J. O. (2007). Spiritual Discipleship: Principles of Following Christ for Every Believer. New York: Moody Publishers.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Melodrama as a Genre

In his essay ‘Melodrama and Tears’, Steve Neale proposes the melodrama as a genre emerged to occupy the space between tragedy and comedy. Neale quotes Denis Diderot and identifies melodrama as a primarily ‘touching’ art form, which has the ability to move audiences and induce physical reactions like crying. Neale discusses Diderot’s quote ‘the pleasure of being touched and giving way to tears’ as an important part of the melodramatic mode. Neale continues to illustrate in his essay how the tricks used in showing point of view and timing perform an essential role in achieving maximum pathos in melodrama.Neale argues that the melodramas rely on the discrepancies between the knowledge that the spectator has and knowledge that the character has, to achieve maximum dramatic potential. This is also a way for the spectators to be more involved with the story, as they are now in a position of power. They hold the code that could possibly unlock t he mystery and cause events to happen. The spectator’s awareness of this power and the resulting helplessness they feel with their actual inability to influence the events unfolding on screen is what drives the pathos.A fairly neutral scene in Awaara(1951), of the Judge meeting a stranger at a birthday party is heightened by our knowledge that the characters share a father-son bond, unknown to either of them. Neale also points out the optical point of view method of using eye line match to establish character’s emotions. The Best Years of Our Lives(1946), uses this to let the audience know that Fred and Peggy still have feelings for each other. As Homer and Wilma stand at the altar and get married, we see Fred and Peggy gazing at each other and hearing the words of commitment spoken by the priest.They maintain their gaze without breaking, till they finally embrace and profess their love to each other. Linda Williams’ also acknowledges the feeling of helplessness , by giving us an example of her seven year old son’s reluctance to watch melodrama. Williams’ articulates her son’s disgust at the ‘unseemly emotions that remind him a little too acutely of his own powerlessness as a child’. The term ‘unseemly emotions’ is the code for what Williams calls the ‘excesses’ of cinema. She compares melodrama to pornography and horror cinema; by stating that here naked emotions replace the naked bodies and extreme violence in the other genres.She defines melodrama as encompassing a range of films ‘marked by â€Å"lapses† in realism, by â€Å"excesses† of spectacle and displays of primal, even infantile emotions and narrative that seem circular and repetitive’. Both Williams and Neale define the unrealistic nature of the narrative as a fundamental element of melodrama. Neale points out that melodramatic narration relies heavily on events not being defined through a real ist standpoint, but more dependent on chance encounters and coincidences. The generic verisimilitude of melodrama tends to marked by the extent to which the succession and course of events is unmotivated (or undermotivated) from a realist point of view. † He calls this ‘an excess of effect over cause’, arguing that this phenomenon assigns power to the theory of an external force governing the story. As the all-knowing spectator, some of this power flows to us too, causing our illusion of being able to affect the situation. This makes the lack of our ability to influence the story even more poignant, resulting in our feeling of vulnerability.According to Williams, it is the audience’s involvement with the physical display of emotion on the screen that causes the pathos. Williams argues that the female spectacle of the body is offered as a sensational sight in different genres. The horror genre uses terror, pornography uses orgasm, and melodrama uses crying t o portray an excess of emotion. She theorizes that our tendency to imitate the emotion on screen lends the element of pathos to melodrama. The act of a body, not in control, convulsing with tears lends itself to heightened identification by the audience.Both Neale and Williams demonstrate the concept of timing as an effective method to control pathos in melodrama. Neale attributes timing and articulation of point of view to contribute equally to the effect of poignancy and pathos. Neale presents Moretti’s thesis that the concluding act in the cinema is always too late to affect the protagonist. An example for this point maybe a story where the object of affection might only verbally reciprocate the feeling after the character is dead; while we, as the audience know it beforehand.Moretti also presents the theory that our tears are a result of the reality that our fantasy has been fulfilled and now will not continue. Neale counters this argument by suggesting that delayed timin g is equally poignant in some cases. The pathos arises from the fact that we are dependent on the time of the narration and its narrative, rather than just the fact that it is always ‘too late’. Here, Williams is almost identical in her theory and uses the phrase ‘too late’ to define the temporality of fantasy.Williams also speaks about Moretti’s theory and argues that the once the pursuit is over, there is a sense of melancholic loss that the audience experiences. She evokes the Freudian concept of ‘original fantasy’ to define what the character’s are in pursuit of. The enigma frequently occurred during melodrama is ‘â€Å"solved† by the fantasy of family romance, or return to origins’. Although Williams and Neale take different approaches to defining the melodramatic sensibility, they both do find a common ground in what forms pathos on the screen.There are finer points to be examined in both the essays but a general view points to the spectator’s feeling of helplessness and the crucial element of timing as being very important contributions to the dramatic element of melodrama.Neale, Steve. â€Å"Melodrama and Tears. † Screen 27 (November-December 1986): 6-22. Williams, Linda. â€Å"Film Bodies: Gender, Genre, and Excess. † Film Quaterly, Published by University of California Press 44. 4 (Summer 1991): 2-13.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Essay on Mr Kevin Dube

Essay on Mr Kevin Dube Essay on Mr Kevin Dube P5 HOW ANTI-DISCRIMINATORY PRACTICE IS PROMOTED ROYAL BOURNEMOUTH HOSPITAL "Will have equality and diversity embedded within the organisation". Equality and diversity is a term used to describe how there will be opportunity for all, giving every individual the chance to achieve their potential, free from prejudice and discrimination. This quote means they will try and incorporate equality and diversity more into their organisations, for example by the use of posters and advertising. Additionally, training could be set up so that the staff know more about equality and diversity and this might help them understand what is expected of them in the practice. "Will regularly seek engagement with all parts of its community including those from protected groups and will ensure that they are involved and included in decision making" this will cover all parts of the community, which is made up of different groups of people including; race, culture, religion, age, gender, homosexuals and heterosexuals, this is a way of bringing everyone together in diversity and equality. This will also mean that everyone is included and the community will feel a part of the service, making it more successful because of the different ideas coming from the community who already use the service. As a result the quality of care could be even better than it was before. "Will provide fair, accessible and good quality healthcare services for all of its patients" no one is left out everyone is then entitled to good quality health care, which is catered to the needs of the patient. This might bring in more people because there might be parts of the communities that might not feel like they can be a part of the service. (The Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals) POOLE BOROUGH COUNCIL "Building strong, safe and inclusive communities where people from all backgrounds come together" bringing in everyone as a community Poole Borough Council promotes anti-discriminatory practice by treating everyone equally. This also means there will be a strong set of support in the practice depending on the individual needs. This will also break down barriers by not leaving people out all parts of the community will come together and work as a unit. "Enabling people to influence decisions that affect their lives and no community is hard to hear" this promotes anti-discriminatory practice by making sure no one is ignored, everyone's view counts. Instead of asking one person, by asking an entire community individually could make the projects more successful and also at the same time bring everyone together. "Being an employer of choice, promoting fair pay and equal access to employment" even as employee's no one will be turned away based on discrimination of any kind. This will bring them more applicants and people will want to work there as a result they will get a good reputation in the community. Additionally this might set an example in the community and other employers might want to follow in these footsteps. (Borough of Poole) M3 DIFFICULTIES THAT MAY ARISE WHEN IMPLEMENTING ANIT-DISCRIMINATORY PRACTICE "Will have equality and diversity embedded within the organisation" These maybe ignored in the practice, due to ignorance or failure to adjust. Staff may not be informed of the changes properly. The staff might have a difficulty adjusting to the new policies and as a result staff might not know what they are doing. "Will regularly seek engagement with all parts of its community

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Basics Of Mutual Funds

In this report, I decided to take advantage of this opportunity to obtain information on the best way to invest in my daughter 's university fund. Please choose between mutual funds or IRA. Thanks to the investigation I made about this, I have decided on the best way to invest my money. The main research I undertook about the IRA was done on the Internet via AOL. Through them, I discovered that the traditional Irish Republican Army exempts a tax of $ 2,000 per person per year. In other words, an investment of 2000 dollars will be deducted from the total income for that year. If you want to invest in your money, and if you are considering an investment trust as an option, are you also looking forward to more information about what mutual funds are? With information related to the basic knowledge of mutual funds, you can start your own investment yourself, with the help of financial planners and investment advisors. You want this information to be easy. If you are looking for this info rmation somewhere, this blog is for you. Here we will explain every aspect of the mutual fund, including basically what is a different type of mutual fund than a mutual fund. It will also focus on the analysis of mutual fund investment and the performance of the mutual fund statement. By understanding all these, you will have ideas about it, but we still have the best mutual funds you should know. In that study we measured the fundamentals of mutual funds as mutual funds and their origins, and in our research we looked at the history, performance, strengths and weaknesses of ABN AMRO MUTUAL FUND and BENCH MARK MUTUAL FUND in our research. We also examined portfolio management and its comparison. It was because the structure turned out to be the same. The rules and regulations, parts and processes are all formulated by SEBI, the main rule of the mutual fund. Investor's choice of investment will invest in mutual funds that use company outline and SEBI guidelines changed by Indian stoc k exchanges and board of directors. Investment trusts are like stock markets, so we will buy and sell them from the company. Investment trust. Different - Since different companies are studying ABN Amro's investment trusts, many plans are offered by investment trusts of Dutch banks in Indian investors to put money into the market

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Summary of Reading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Summary of Reading - Essay Example It can be said that this is a case of â€Å"virtual smoothness† that any Russian speaker feels upon hearing the new Russian anthem. It is considered an affirmation of the new anthem’s link to the original anthem. Overall, Daughtry’s article is a rationalization of a Russian national’s positive sentiments through the anthem’s emotional association with Soviet’s grand history. Signs of Imagination, Identity, and Experience: A Peircian Semiotic Theory for Music Charles Peirce’s concept of signs to discuss identity, emotion, and music is utilized in Turino’s analysis for the need of music. According to Peirce, the interpretant, object, and sign are elements in all semiotic processes. In the article, recognition of societal and individual identities and formation of emotional corollaries are music’s ability rooted in the reality that social signs are generally of the less mediated or direct type. Generally speaking, music work s without any mental intervention and directly at the physical and emotional levels. Turino’s main focus in his article is on the relationship of the sign and the object --- symbol, index, and icon, and its overall interpretation --- argument, dicent, and rheme. Works Cited Daughtry, J M. "Russia's New Anthem and the Negotiation of National Identity." Ethnomusicology.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Reporting Requirements Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Reporting Requirements Memo - Essay Example The memo ends with the comparison of the accounting reporting practices of the two entities. Reporting requirements for private sector, not-for-profit organizations under Financial Accounting Standard Board guidance The Financial Accounting Standard Board has specific accounting reporting requirements for all types and kinds of health care organizations. This also includes the private sector not for profit nursing homes. The Financial Accounting Standard Board have issued several standards especially for private not for profit nursing homes. Few of the standards that have been introduced are â€Å"Accounting for Contributions Received and Contributions Made,† â€Å"Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organizations† and â€Å"Accounting for Certain Investments Held by Not-for-Profit Organizations†. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (AICPA’s) accounting and audit guide for Health Care Organizations have made these statements m andatory. Both AICPA and FASB promote the accrual method of accounting. An accrual method accounting gives a complete, accurate and meaningful report about the financial condition of the organization. The accounting period should span for one year. A private sector not for profit nursing home’s financial statements should have a balance sheet, a statement of operations, cash flow statements and statements showing changes in net asset. If the not for profit organization decides to invest in financial assets the transactions that involves financial instruments have to be recognized on the settlement date. Any transactions that involve a third party have to be measured at fair value. For investments in debt securities, the securities that are not held up to the maturity period are recorded at fair value with subsequent changes in net assets and net income. The organization can invest in debt bonds at amortized rate without any restriction. The debt security should be measured at fair value and any changes in net income should be recorded. The principles for investment in equities are that the shares that are quoted in the active market should be recorded at the fair price and the resulting change in the net assets should also be recorded. Unquoted equities can be measured at the actual market price (Carmichael & Rosenfield, 2003). Investments in mutual funds will also be considered as equity investments. Derivatives that involve hedging characteristics should be measured at fair price. A private nonprofit organization should be very careful in selecting the methods it wants to use to measure its investments so that its relationships with its benefactors are not compromised. It should successfully incorporate the unrealized losses and gains in its financial statements. Transaction costs that arise due to purchasing of financial instruments should be capitalized and will be measured at the amortized cost. At the end of each accounting period the organization has to check for assets that are impaired. If there is any such asset its carrying amount should be reduced to the highest of the amount the organization expects to generate by selling the asset or the present value of the expected future cash flow of the financial instrument. Accounts receivable will be treated in the same way as debt securities. But receivables that are not due for a minimum of one year and are without market rates

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Shell company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Shell company - Essay Example The company was then run through different operating companies. Prior to the merger both the companies were struggling to sustain their business. Their decision to join hands led them to become one of the most successful company in the world and all signs showing in the first twelve months of their strategic decision. The company was under the management of Henry Deterding, whose guidance and dedication made the two barely managing companies into a strong force to reckon with, in the oil industry. The company began to make its mark quite quickly around and business started to expand globally. The Marketing companies started coming up throughout Europe and also in certain parts of Asia. With the growing demand of oil all around the globe, Dutch Shell began exploration and production in countries like Russia, Venezuela, Mexico, Romania and even in the United States. Along the timeline, the company has been able to maintain its competitive edge by looking out for newer technologies, alternative resources and advance developments. They have concentrated on their core products as well as kept their eyes open for any opportunities making them one of the most competitive companies in the market. Marketing is one of the core functions of any organizations. It is the function that helps a company defines the right kind of market and allows the company to identify consumer needs and wants and then searches for solutions and ideas for how to aptly satisfy those needs. (Bartels, 2002) When Organizations like Shell and other multinationals define their marketing strategy it evolves through a series of stages. This is because as the company starts growing, so does the demand. Eventually the company adopts a multi national strategy of marketing. At this stage the company has already gone through the local markets exporting and to international marketing. This is the kind of marketing Shell is doing as at this stage the company can use its size and scale

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Royal Mails Human Resource Strategy

Royal Mails Human Resource Strategy 1.The Royal Mail do have three levels of strategies:- Corporate level -which deals with the overall organization. Ex: Geographical regions, Market selection. Business level strategy is mentioned for each type of business carried out by the Royal mail. Functional level- The Finance, Human Resource Management, Production, Marketing, Research and Development comes under this section. The Corporate strategy of Royal mail is designed in such a way that it shows their ability to cope with the market changes in a positive and negative manner. It is the hardships of the employees and their standard customer services makes the Royal mail to get a competitive advantage over its competitors like TNT, DHL etc. Royal Mail which was once said to be the Monopolist in the field of Postal services lost the title of Monopoly in the beginning of 2006. It had 99% of the market share in its hands. Royal mail do have a view to make their corporate Strategic responsibility to become a part of their strategic management process. They are:- 2. Corporate Strategic responsibility includes:- The support of the workers from the workplace which forms the backbone of the Royal mail. The management also deals with the workers in a more friendly manner without any kind of discrimination. Being workers said to be the assets of the firm, Royal Mail takes good care of their workers and regarding the working conditions too. To make its actions designed to have a strong positive effect on its workers, customers and to its suppliers. Achieve a net zero carbon footprint by 2015 and to support their clients to do their activities to have a positive advantage towards the environment and to attain a competitive advantage. With their Corporate responsibility in mind Royal Mail wishes to be different from its competitors Royal mail had created their corporate strategy by taking into consideration of their Organizational objectives and their achievement. It is in the Functional level the Human Resource Strategies arrives. The definition of the Human Resource strategy and the Human Resource Strategies of the Royal Mail from 2005-2010 are mentioned below. 3.Human Resource strategy (Definition):- Before moving to Human Resource Strategy we should know what is meant by the term strategy?.Strategy usually means selecting the best decision from a stream of decisions. According to Lundy and cowling (1998,p16), strategy is: The art of war, generalship, especially the art of directing military movements so as to secure the most advantageous positions and combination of forces. The Human Resource Management team in the Royal Mail directs the workers by motivating them and providing them proper training in order to achieve the Organizational goals and to get a competitive advantage over its rivals. The term Human Resource Strategy is well defined as Human Resource management (HRM) is a strategic approach to managing employment relations which emphasises that leverage peoples capabilities is critical to achieving sustainable competitive advantage, this being achieved through a distinctive set of integrated employment policies, programmes and practices. [Bratton and Gold,4e,p3] 4.The Human Resource Strategies from 2005 2010:- Human Resource Management forms the most important function in an Organization as the workers are considered to be the valuable assets of the firm. The right kind of people in right position at the right time is the objective of the HR Manager. It is said that normally in a day HR Manager usually spends 20% of their working hours in dealing with the grievances of the employees without affecting the Organizations routine activities. HR Executives should have an ability to deal with their staffs in a fair and friendly manner rather than imposing more control on them. The Royal Mail take the efforts made by their workers into good consideration and rely on the fact about their career development rather than simply a job. The Royal Mails Human Resource strategies in the period from 2005 to 2010 is mentioned below which includes several threats they faced and the steps undertaken to face those threats. Human Resource strategies of the Royal Mail in 2005:- One of the most important actions of the Royal Mail can be seen in the beginning of 2005 which employed candidates from the socially excluded groups. The candidates who were recruited performed very well in the selection process as well as in the Organization too. New recruits by this process were placed in position as post man, delivery van drivers, letter sorting who were ex-service men or those who are homeless. This Pilot program helped the Royal Mail in lowering the cost and labour turnovers and proved as the firm with best employee satisfaction. The employees thus had a long term commitment and had a self motivated approach to work hard for the firm to achieve its goals. The employer expectation of high commitment and the employee expectation of taking care of their social needs made the workers of the Royal Mail to be loyal to the firm and improved the ratio of trust towards the firm. The voluntary organizations like the Royal Association of Disabled and Rehabilitation, Busine ss action on Homelessness etc helped the Royal Mail to get candidates of socially excluded groups. The Human Resource team played a very important function in sorting out the list of disabled candidates and selecting the best candidates through a standard selection process. The Human Resource Manager who have the Management as an art aspect means having inborn talents will have those skills to recruit those people who can contribute to the maximum of their extend towards their Organization. The Royal mail team supervised by Mr. Adam Crozier made record annual profits in 2005 which helped to give 1074 pounds of bonuses to its workers. These were achieved by the employee performance,better customer service by properly trained staff and their performance related pay strategy of the Human Resource team. Human Resource strategies of the Royal Mail in 2006:- The Human Resource team in the Royal Mail were able to provide instant solutions to the grievances of the employees. The starting of the year 2006 was not as good for the Royal Mail as it faced a postal strike in Belfast. Nearly 200 postal workers stopped their work for 2 weeks which made a very negative impact on the Royal Mails services to the customers. The customers were said to contact the office directly for any important matters and most of the letters and documents were blocked in some places remained undelivered. The Communication Workers Union says that the strike was due to the bad and unfair practices of the managers towards the workers in Belfast and the core issue is not accepted by the Royal Mail. Important delivery including specialized services were stopped temporarily and the management took immediate action to solve the problem. The Workers in strike were assured that they will not be treated badly when they return to their work and necessary actions will be taken against those who were found guilty. The Human Resource team in the Royal Mail took the issue seriously and they guaranteed that the workers will be treated fairly and without any discrimination. The psychological contract which says high motivation and high commitment should be taken into consideration which made the Human Resource Manger to deal with the situation in a friendly and wise manner. It was this year the Royal Mail lost its position as a Monopoly in the postal Industry and started facing wide spread competition. The management agreed that their will be no reduction in the work force, high job security will be provided with raise in pay scales to the staffs. The Christmas season of 2006 also made the customers of the Royal Mail to suffer due to the strike of 800 workers which caused huge volume of undelivered documents in the office. The managements decision to change some full time post to part time when an job opening arise was objected by the trade union by saying tha t it is against the National agreement. The matter was raised very seriously and the Royal Mail responded to it by saying that the decision will be with the consent of the worker agreement. The strike was stopped by reaching to the point that the new job openings in the Royal Mail will be carried out by the management with the combined hands of the trade union to make decision regarding whether to treat the vacancy full time or part time and the management assured that no staff will be forced to change his full time job status to part time. The closing of the sorting office in Paddington, London in the same year was explained by the Royal Mail as a step taken in order to improve their customer satisfaction and productivity against the wide spread rumours about some illegal actions of the postal workers. The 950 workers who worked their were temporarily kept away from their duties and some of them were given transfer offers. The workers commitment in a firm not only depend on their s alary but also on other factors like work atmosphere, employee- employer relationship, colleague character etc. The sacking of 5 workers who treated their women colleague very badly in one of the Royal Mail branch shows the immediate response taken by the Human Resource team in those matters which affects an employee to perform well in an Organization and to reduce those activities which affects the reputation of the firm. The Human Resource team has made recently certain improvements in the health and safety measures for the workers due to the huge fine the firm had to pay regarding the death of an employee, which was made as a health and safety issue by the court. Human Resource strategies of the Royal Mail in 2007:- The Privatization of the Royal Mail was the main problem discussed by the Human Resource team in the Royal Mail and the workers point of trust towards the firm tends to decrease day by day affecting their performance in the work. The Communication Workers Union was opposing the issue but some managers say the Privatization will help the future of the Royal Mail. A deal was agreed between the management and the labour union in 2007 followed by stopping the workers strike. The new policies changed the working time and new technologies were introduced which was implemented in each and every branch of the Royal Mail improved the productivity and performance of the workers. The new modern way of thinking and acting was successful in the Royal Mail. Also Mr. Mark Higson the managing director of the Royal Mail added that the future of the Royal Mail Pension scheme will not form any part of the agreement. The Human Resource Strategy of making the employees feel they are a part of the firm made the management to come to a point of distributing around 20% of its shares to the employees was opposed by the Government and the plan was turned down. The Human Resource team and the other managing partners have plan to explore the unused markets and to identify new opportunities to make the Royal Mail to offer quick and friendly based customer services. The Human Resource Department also do have plans to provide Occupational pension schemes for their employees in future. The Human Resource Manager also responded to the worst situation of poor quality service by the Royal Mail in Scotland and he promised to provide better customer service the coming year. The contract lose with the online service provider Amazon hits very badly towards the Royal Mail and its bad position to face more rigorous competition. Human Resource strategies of the Royal Mail in 2008:- In order to face the competition and the consideration of the future of the Royal Mail, the Human Resource Department made plans to reduce the number of workers and providing better benefits for those who remains. The Workers and the union feared about the reduction of the full time jobs and including more part time workers. The Privatization of the Royal Mail which the British public doesnt like was also considered as the main issue by the trade unions and the management. The Privatization will cause more job losses says the union members but the Royal Mail needs finance to support its future plans says the Management. The Management also planned to change the offices from old buildings to new ones in which the trade unions responded and they said that the change of offices will cause problems in sorting of letters, loosing some customers and they feared about loosing jobs too. Also plans were prepared by the Human Resource team to raise the salary scale of the executive Directors o f the Royal Mail who are the main key players in obtaining maximum profit. The Devanna model which shows performance appraisal, Human resource development and reward systems should be given due consideration. Many office branches of the Royal Mail were shut down and the remaining workers should be motivated by their performance and the management should create trust from the side of the workers which in turn gives high commitment. The Soft HRM feature of high commitment and high motivation as well as the Hard HRM feature of managing the workforce in a more rational way should be undertaken by the Royal Mail. Human Resource strategies of the Royal Mail in 2009:- To Prevent the customers complaint about the closing of the post offices the Human Resources team implemented a plan to provide mobile post office services to the customers by Van. The Royal Mails plan to make 30% privatization was opposed by the public and the Government continuously, if privatized it will cause raise in prices, job losses and the customers as well as the workers trust in the Royal Mail will reduce. The Human Resources team introduced new uniforms to the workers which is suitable for the climate and having big pockets to place the hand held computers which the customers prefers to sign and trace items was considered as a part of the improvement in the delivery system of the Royal Mail. The year also faced a strike on the pay cuts, salary freeze of the workers. The Communication Workers Union said that even cutting the wages or freezing the salary will not help the Royal Mail instead it should implement new ideas in technology and new advanced machinery to support th e workers. All over the strike is making the customers to move away from receiving the services from the Royal Mail. In the matter of improving their services, the Royal Mail and the Microsoft had joined hands to hands by introducing the new e-mailing service without having computers. The HR strategy of how to compete with their rivals has made the above decision to implement in the Royal Mail. Human Resource strategies of the Royal Mail in 2010:- The Privatization of the Royal Mail is the main consideration of the Royal Mail as the firm is running out of Finance, huge pension deficits and inefficiency in operations. The private fund is needed for the smooth function of the Organization, says the Managing director of the Royal Mail. The Human Resource Manager is taking keen steps in promoting the existing workers with good training but most of the workers had lost the trust with the Royal Mail. The privatization will cause more job losses, price for the products will be raised and the top level managers will get more benefits; a trade union leader says in a meeting. The workers says that if the new management can help them in providing benefits and good promotional appraisal packages to them, it is better to get privatized. The natural constraints like volcano ashes also affected he Royal Mails service in some part of the United Kingdom. The Psychological contract between the employee and the employer is broken. The employees social and other needs are not fully met and the huge sacking of employees made them to loose commitment towards the firm which leads to inefficiency, reduced services, low productivity and down turn of profits. The Royal Mail is still considered as the provider of the best service among the European nations with lowest service charges. The Human Resource team have plans to increase the state pension age for men. The Royal Mail is trying in many ways to improve its services by providing different varieties of stamps, weekend services, superior customer service but the competition and its bad financial position is weakening its movements to go forward. Even though it is known that the entry of new firms into the Postal Industry is very difficult due to entry restrictions, the Royal Mail is facing very tough competition. The firms like TNT, DHL and many of the online services are serious treats to the Royal Mail. The day when the Royal Mail lost its Monopoly in 2006 marked the beginning of competition as a headache to the Royal Mail. Another problem which the Royal Mail faces is the reduction in the volume of the letters but the postal workers tells that the number is increasing day by day. The Royal Mail like all other firms had undergone a SWOT ANALYSIS to understand its positives and Negatives internally and Externally. TheSWOT analysis is done to identify their threats and opportunities, strengths and weaknesses. 5.SWOT ANALYSIS:- The Swot Analysis is usually conducted by the management which gives the Royal Mail a good indication of its Strength and Weakness internally and its Opportunities and Treats in the outside market. The highly skilled hard working staffs having high commitment motivated by the efficient management and the firms large and other financial resources forms the Strength of the Royal Mail. Some complaints have been raised regarding the letters not reaching the destination and stealing of the letters/parcels by its staffs affects the Royal Mails prestige and the strikes which are made by the trade unions in Royal Mail forms its major weaknesses which hardly hits its reputation and directly states that employees are not satisfied with the management actions. The Royal Mail do have new opportunities to identify more customers and Business clients and providing support to them which will have a competitive advantage over its rivals. The Competitors like TNT, DHL, UKMAIL and the possibility of more rivals to enter the Industry forms the main threats for the Royal Mail. The wide usage of internet, online banking, online delivery and e-mailing has reduced its number of customers to a large extend has made huge reduction in the volume of mails in the Royal Mail is also considered as big threats. The Royal Mail still stands as the Standard postal service in the United Kingdom with its valuable staffs and its improved services like First class service, weekend service etc. Royal Mail also provides online supports and International postal services. The Administration of the Royal Mail includes series of committees like The Audit and Risk committee, The Management board, Pensions committee, Remuneration committee, Nomination committee and Social and Responsibility Committee. The new Human Resource Strategy and policies are being Introduced by the Royal Mail in order to face these threats and for the motivation of the workers. 6. The new Human Resource strategy to support the Royal Mail in the present bad condition:- Steps have been taken in the all the levels of the Organization to support the firm from the credit crunch and competition. To the workers:- Workers are provided with improved new range of training and guaranteed performance related pays. The employees who are considered as a valuable assets in the Royal Mail were provided with revised employee policies and procedures and long term job security and motivation. In order to improve its reputation and to obtain a good employee- employer relationship some additional steps were also taken. They are:- The new plan for temporary redundancy and early retirement are going to be enforced as soon as possible. Existing contracts will be renewed and new standardized contracts will be provided to the employees. The introduction of new machinery and techniques helps the workers to achieve world class standard in performance. The new revised Pension scheme plans are going to implement for those employees in the Royal Mail pension scheme. The working hours, the minimum wages are also revised. The safety of the staffs are taken in great consideration. Improved working conditions, first aid facilities, stress relief exercises, changing their job tasks over a period of time, self appraisal process, promotional and increments are also introduced to the new plan. To the firm:- The modernization of the firm with improved customer service support is the main objective of the firm. The co-operation of the Management with the workers and the trade union added with signing an agreement in new policies and procedures of the firm supported by the trade union is going to happen. The improved efficiency and productivity with unmatched competition by providing lower price and better quality services to its clients. To the Trade Union:- The firm will give suitable position for the trade union in its management activities. Support from the trade union in motivating the workers to cope with the Organizational rules and regulations and to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. To develop new communication levels between the trade union and the management. 7.The Royal Mails respond to the Competition and to the recent Credit Crunch:- The Royal mail which was once called as a Monopoly firm now faces serious competition and holds a bad reputation due to its continuous strikes , shutting down of the offices and complaints regarding its employees. Even though any firm can compete with its rivals in two ways, one way by reducing its prices and the other is by improving its quality of service/product. The Royal Mail provides high quality service to its customers and also the lower service/product price compared with its competitors helps the Royal Mail to attain a sustainable competitive advantage. The Human Resource team is making its level best efforts to prevent such issues but the employees relationship with the management is unclear. One of the main issues is the privatization of the Royal Mail which make the staffs to loose trust towards the firm making them de-motivated. The corporate strategy is well defined and the Human resource planning and its strategical process is some what following the corporate strateg y. Making a friendly relation with the CWU and a strong psychological contract between the workers and the Management is very much needed for the smooth functioning of the Royal Mail. The recent credit crunch has made the Royal Mail to close most of its offices and to sack many of its employees. The economic downturn in the UK is being faced by the Royal Mail in some extend due to its highly skilled, flexible core employees. The peripheral workers who were highly skilled were also taken into good consideration by the Royal Mail. The customers still rely on the Royal Mail due to its better quality services and lowest prices compared to its competitors the TNT, DHL, UKMail etc. The name of the above model is The Five Forces Framework which is developed by [Porter 1980] shows the fact from where does the competition come from?. We can combine this model with the Royal Mails competitive nature. It has elements like 1.Potential entrants mentioned as new competitors of the Royal Mail. 2.Rivalry from existing firms like TNT, DHL etc which are faced by the Royal Mail with its high quality products/services and of its highly skilled workforce who are trained and developed by their talented Human Resource team. The substitutes can be shown as the e-mail, online transfers and online mail ordering groups. Threat from the customers in the form of bargaining power, their change of demand, their potential for forward integration (which is implemented by the firm with the availability of suitable Human Resources). Threat from the Suppliers includes their bargaining power, switching costs, market dominance of the suppliers, the potential for backward integration (which is implemented by the firm with the availability of suitable Human Resources). The suppliers include the printing and stationery, technology, clothes, transport and travel agents. The Royal Mail uses the Generic Strategies frame work of Mr. Porter(1985) to define how they faced these competitions. The basic idea which is derived from the framework is:- Any firm can compete with other by lowering their prices Competing in the matter of quality makes each firm different Focusing on the main market and its customers can gain competitive advantage over its rivals. The Human Resource strategy of identifying the competitive areas and setting plans for how to compete helped the Royal Mail to face all types of competition and to gain a competitive advantage over its rivals. The Human Resource Management team of the Royal Mail have a good background from the Top Ranked Business Schools added with their inborn talents and experience helps the Royal Mail to compete with their rivals in a more technical way which is difficult for the competitors to identify and which makes the Royal Mail to have a strong base in the UK postal industry. The top quality products/services with the top quality employees makes the Royal Mail to move forward with confidence. The Human Resource strategy of implementing new techniques and training services with the performance related pay aspect for the workers can be seen in the Royal Mail. Last year the Royal Mail received three bronze awards from the World Class Manufacturing Association for its performance, health and saf ety care of its workers. The Royal Mail consider each and every worker in the matter of safety and performance and they say that if they can make one worker to perform well, it will make another to perform well and it goes on and the whole workers will perform well gives high productivity and profits to the firm. 8.Conclusion:- The essay can be concluded by stating that the Royal Mail have to face the credit crunch and the present difficulties in order to hold a strong position in the UK postal Industry. The Royal Mail do have a strong corporate responsibility strategy and Human Resource strategy which is properly planned and helpful to the employees as well as the to the firm for further development. The Human Resource Strategy from 2005 2010 shows the problems faced by the Royal Mail and the Strategies used by them to solve these problems. The privatization and the pension deficits are the main problems faced currently by the Royal Mail in which the management have certain plans to overcome the situation. The new entrants and the present rivals are competing very roughly with the Royal Mail and they are faced by the Royal Mail by its good quality services and its lowest service/product prices.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Tyranny can Never be Completely Removed Essays -- essays research pape

From fictional novels to real life experiences, tyrants who have been removed from power will only be replaced by the next, thus negating the original objectives of the revolution that was once hard fought for. Animal Farm by George Orwell is a story of which animals overthrowing their tyrant owner and establishing a nation of their own. As time passes, the more intelligent of the animals taste the lure and addiction of power, turning out to become the tyrants they once abolished. A leading Irish figure in 20th century theater, George Bernard Shaw, once said "Revolutions have never lightened the burden of tyranny, they have only shifted it to another shoulder." Tyranny is yet to be diminished since human (animal) nature is selfish and only seeks the good of oneself. When one steps down, another rises from the crowd, repeating this pattern of a power shift. Basically, those with the influential powers and support of many, tend to obtain power. This does not allow the power to be share d amongst the commoners. The grasp of tyranny is to be hovering over the masses and time by time the one abusing the power would be switched. History demonstrates to us that Shaw's observation applies in any era. After the expulsion of the previous tyrant, the masses believe that all are equal, but as time flows, some become ?more equal than others? (133). From the beginning, when the revolution was yet to be complete, Old Major introduced the basic idea of revolting against Mr. Jones, their owner. In his final speech to provide his fellow animals with a boost, the old boar reminded them that they must not follow in the steps of the tyrant they hated. ?Even when you have conquered him, do not adopt his vices? (31). As the cornerstones of Animalism a... ...is overwhelming power overcame him. Nothing was changed after all. Leaders have all been the same, as many fall into the same traps or follow the footsteps as previous ones in power. George Orwell?s Animal Farm is a definite entertainment and moral. One of the main themes, human nature dictates that revolutions are bound to fail, incorporates with what George Bernard Shaw said about revolutions. ?Revolutions have never lightened the burden of tyranny, they have only shifted it to another shoulder.? Tyranny is part of life. It cannot be avoided unless God rules over man as William Penn suggested. ?Men must be governed by God, or they will be ruled by tyrants.? As one succeeds to power, original objectives most likely are neglected while becoming tyrannical like the previous. Shaw?s observation serves as a core of Animal Farm, an illuminating and realistic lesson.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Barriers of Dell

For Dell Company to achieve its organizational development and change it requires several things to be done. Without which the company will not be in a position to achieve its set goals. Anything that will block the company from attaining its objective of organizational development will be a barrier to its development. There are many barriers to organization development and they vary from organization to organization. All the processes that are involved in the organizational development require funds.The initial stage of the organizational development involves analysis and research so as to establish the most likely problem the company is going through. Every part of this research will involve money, for example the materials used in the research, the hired manpower to carry out the research. The organization therefore needs money to have all this recommendations be implemented. Before Dell coming up with an idea of making simple machine to his customers he had to make a research so as to establish the level at which his customers could operate his machines.Establishing a channel by which Dell could get feedback required funds. According to consumer channels feed back (2009) Dell was to use the modern technology in his management. The advantage with this modern communication was its efficiency in terms of time and accuracy. Despite its efficiency this technology requires a lot of initial capital to install it. This means that the company needs a lot of funds so as to start using this technology in its management. Without this money the company can not establish good feedback to its customers.Therefore in case the money from Dell Company’s returns goes down then it will imply that he will not be in a position to establish these channels. In this case funds become barrier to his organizational development. Dell has as tried as much as possible to reduce the number of middlemen in his chain of distribution. He has an intension of reduce the cost of his prod uct in doing so. But this can also become a barrier to his development. The reason for middlemen is to increase the rate of exchange of goods and services at the ground level.Without them some of the areas will never be reached hence the consumers coverage area will be small as compared to his competitors. It is through this channel that he can understand his customers fully; hence without these middlemen it can be impossible to understand some of his customers. The idea of reducing the middlemen therefore can be a barrier to the development of Dell Company. Dell put a lot of interest in his customer; he produces machines that are demanded by his customers. Foxall, G. (2005.) Understanding consumers is the key to winning them. This means that a lot of his goods and service are done on demand instead of innovation. This can become a barrier especially in this era of technological advancement and development. He should stop producing goods on demand and come up with new skills that wi ll lead to invention of new machines that are more efficient than the ones he produced later. This will help him have a competitive advantage over his competitors. Dell was also ensuring that his goods gain an advantage over the other competitors.To do this he was making sure that he reduces the number of hands during the manufacturing process. This can become a barrier to the organizational development since it will reduce the out put of the firm. When less people are working the out put will be low and hence the company will have low incomes. Before any progress is noticed the workers in the organization must own the recommendations, if they fail to own them it becomes hard to implement them, Dell to not have any strategy that looks at the needs of the workers.When the company encounters this problem then it becomes a barrier to its organizational development. This company has put a lot of emphasis on the completive strategy. There is nothing put in place so as to look at the work ers within the company. Since they are the ones to implement the ideas of Dell they may be barriers to the development of the company. The strategy of global consultancy can become barrier to Dell’s development. This will expose this company to may company’s that manufacture the some goods and service to Dell company.Some of this companies can steal the skills used by Dell in its manufacture and start produce a replica of Dell machine in their own names and hence establishing new competitors that will reduce the market command to Dell company. As this company workers interacts with the other foreign company they may start to demand some favors that are given to workers of other countries. When this favors are beyond Dell’s or to expensive for him then this becomes a barrier to his development.In some cases such worker may even transfer to other companies with also the technological skill acquired in Dell Company hence becoming a big treat to Dell. Schiff man, L. G. (1993), explains that worker behavior is influence by other worker in their environment Reference Foxall, G. (2005. ) Understanding Consumer Choice. Baingstoke. Palgrave Macmillian. Schiffman, L. G. (1993), Understanding Workers Consumer Behavior, Prentice Hall International, London. http://www. allbusiness. com/marketing-advertising/marketing-advertising/5504141-1. html

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Economic System of Western After the Breakup of Fuedalism

The distinguished in the nineteenth century and it†s collapse in the twentieth century have led to similar, though much slower and less obvious, process in the course of modern science. Today†s frantic development in the field of technology has a quality reminiscent of the days preceding the economic crash of 1929. The clearest evidence of it may be seen in such comparatively young sciences such as psychology and political economy. In psychology, one may observe the attempt to study human behavior without reference to the fact that man is conscious. In political economy, one may observe the attempt to study and device social systems without reference to man. Political economy came into prominence in the 19th century, in the era of philosophies post kantian disintegration, and no one rose to check its premises or to challenge its base. Political economist-including the advocates of capitalism-defined their sciences as the study of management or direction or organization or manipulation of â€Å"community†s† or nations resources. The author goes on to say that the European culture regarded material productions as work that should be done by slaves or serfs but not first class citizens. It must be remembered that the institution of private property, in the full, legal meaning of the term, was brought into existence only by capitalism. In the pre-capitalist eras, private property existed de facto but not de jure, i. e. by custom and sufferance, not by right or by law. In law and in principle all land belonged to the head of the tribe, the king, and was held only by permission, which could be revoked at any time. CAPITALISM, a term used to donate the economic systems that has been dominate in the western world since the breakup of feudalism. Fundamental to any system called capitalist are the relations between private owners of non-personal means of production (land mines, industrial plants, etc†¦. collectively known as capital) and free but capitalizes workers, who sell their labor services to employers. The resulting wage bargains determines the proportion in which the total products of society will be shared between the class of laborers and the class of capitalist entrepreneurs. Productive use of the â€Å"social surplus† was special virtue that enabled capitalism to outstrip all prior economic systems. Instead of building pyramids and cathedrals, those in command of the social surplus chose to invest in ships, warehouses, raw materials, finished goods and other material forms of wealth. There is of course, no such thing as a â€Å"social surplus. † All wealth is produced by somebody and belongs to somebody. Mans essential characteristic is his rational faculty. man†s mind is his basic means of survival-his only means of gaining knowledge. If some men do not choose to think, they can survive only by imitating and repeating a routine of work discovered by others-but those others had to discover it, or none would have survived. If men do not choose to think or to work, they can survive (temporarily) only by looting the goods produced by others-but those others had to produce them or none would have survived. Man cannot survive as animals do, by the mere guidance of perceptions. He cannot provide for his simplest physical need without process of thought. e needs a process of thought to discover how to plant and grow food or how to make weapons for hunting. His precepts might lead him to a cave. No precepts or instincts will tell him how to light a fire. Is man a sovereign individual who owns his person, his mind, his life, his work and it†s products-or is he the property of the tribe (the state, the society, the collective) that may dispose of him any way it pleases, that may dictate his convictions, prescribe the course of his life, control his work and expropriate his products? Does man have the right? To exist for his own sake-or is he born of bondage, as an indentures servant who must keep buying his life by serving the tribe but can never acquire it free and clear. In a capitalist society, all human relationships are voluntary. Men are free to cooperate or not, to deal with one another or not, as their own individual judgments, convictions, and interests dictate. They can deal with one another only in terms of and by means of reason, i. e. by means of discussion, persuasion, and contractual agreement, by voluntary choice, by voluntary choice of mutual benefit. The right to agree with others is not a problem in any society; it is the right to disagree that crucial. It is the institution of private property the protects and implements the rights to disagree-and thus keeps the roaf open to man†s most valuable attribute (valuable personally, socially, and objectively): the creative mind. The recognition of individual rights entails the banishment of physical force from human relationships: basically, rights can be violated by only means of force. In a capitalist society, no man or group may initiate the use of physical force against others. The only function of the government is such a society is, the task of protecting man†s rights, i. e. the task of protecting him from physical force. The author goes on to say that the only time the government can use force is when there is retaliation. Such there is no such entity as â€Å"society† since society is only a number of individual men, this meant, in practice, that the rulers did not abide by the moral laws only subject to traditional rituals, they held total power and exacted blind obedience. They believed good which is good for the society. The most profoundly revolutionary achievement of the United States of America was subordination of society to moral law. The principle of man†s individual rights represented the extension of morality into the social system-as a limitation tot he power of the state, as man†s protection against the brute force of the collective. He goes onto say the United States was the first moral state. I don†t know what kind of morals the author is actually referring to. A right is a moral principle defining and sanctioning a mans freedom of action in a social context. There is only one fundamental â€Å"right†: mans right to his own life. The right to life is the source of all rights-and the right to property is their only implementation. He goes on to say all previous systems had regarded man as a sacrificial means to the end of others, and society as a means to a peaceful, orderly, voluntary, coexistence of individuals. All previous systems had regard man†s life as society property that they could dispose of him anytime they felt like it Without property rights, no other rights are possible. Since man has to sustain life by his own effort, the man who has no right to property is a right to action, like all the others: it is not the right to an object, but to the action and consequences of producing or earning that object. It is not a guarantee that am man will earn any property, but only a guarantee that he will own it if he earn it. It is the right to gain, to keep , to use and to dispose of material values. To violate man†s right means to compel him against his own judgment, or to expropriate his values. there is only on why to do it: by the use of physical force.