Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Apartheid Of South Africa - 1750 Words

â€Å"Mandela did not merely oppose white domination; he opposed domination by any racial group, including Africans. By standing firm in his principles and enduring extraordinary sacrifices that robbed him of most of his adult life, he helped force change, while proving beyond any doubt that he was a leader who could be trusted to keep his word† (Kent). Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) was a human rights activist as well as the first black President of South Africa. Referred to as the living embodiment of black liberation, Mandela specifically fought against the government system of South Africa known as apartheid (Lacayo, Washington, Monroe, Simpson). Apartheid is an Afrikaan word meaning apartness and was a system of racial segregation for the†¦show more content†¦Even before apartheid however, racist ideologies were still prominent in South Africa and affected the lives of many blacks, including Nelson Mandela. For example, in 1939, Mandela was considered fortunate to have entered the elite University of Fort Hare, which at the time was the only Western-style higher learning institute for South African blacks. Sadly, in 1940 Mandela and several other students were sent home from the university for participating in a boycott against university policies that would not allow a democratically chosen student council (Hunt); however Mandela was lucky to have even had the opportunity to go to Fort Hare. In fact, Mandela was the first in his family to receive a formal education, showing how uncommon it was for blacks to actually go to school let alone attend a university in South Africa. After studying law at the University of Witwatersrand, Mandela joined the African National Congress (ANC) and worked with other associates to form its youth league, the ANCYL. The ANCYL along with the ANC were responsible for coming up with tactics to respond to racism in South Africa, which started out as boycotts, strikes, civil disobedience, and other nonviolent metho ds. However, after years of peaceful rebellion, on December 5th, 1956, Mandela and 155 other activists were arrested and put on trial for treason. Luckily all defendants were freed in 1961 but by the time they

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Beginner Nurse Free Essays

CHAPTER 1 PREPARATION TO THE JOB A. Transition from beginner to Professional Before a nurse can become effective as a health care provider he or she should be psychologically and physically prepared for the job. Psychological preparedness means that the mental set and emotional state of the nurse must be ready for the everyday routines and stressors in the job. We will write a custom essay sample on The Beginner Nurse or any similar topic only for you Order Now Psychological preparedness requires assessment of the self or awareness of the self. The nurse should know own strengths and limitations as a beginner. The nurse strengths include the academic theories and trainings in the BSN degree. This will require the new nurse to refresh self about those principles, fundamentals, and theories learned from the study. Limitations include lack of expert skills and dexterity (speed and efficiency in the use of hands) of nursing procedures as hospital trainings as a BSN student were not enough to encounter those specific procedures. Expert nurses in the workplace shall serve as source of the skills not encountered in academic trainings. Proper and appropriate attitude must be adopted in adjusting into working with colleagues who had earned skills and knowledge by their tenure in their job and the environment they are used to. The beginner nurse must use therapeutic self to gain confidence and trust with existing staff in the hospital. B. Hospital Policies The beginner nurse, if not given the opportunity to have job orientation, should strive to know the existing policies of the hospital. Policies which pertains to absences, tardiness, documentations, and safety of the clients should be given due attention. The beginner nurse cannot put the safety of the patient by sudden absence or tardiness from the job. The nurse should put to mind that the welfare and safety of the patients are his or her main concerns. C. Personal matters A beginner nurse and until such time he or she had become a professional should never allow personal matters to interfere in their responsibilities in the work. This is part of the emotional preparedness of the nurse in order to maintain therapeutic use of the self. CHAPTER 2 THE ROUTINE WORK OF A GENERAL NURSE PRACTITIONER There are areas in the hospitals that have common routines. Routines are nature of works or responsibilities that are normally done and repeated throughout succeeding shifts of the work. The routine works in departments like Surgical, Medical, Pediatrics, Isolation, and some critical care units such as the ICU and CCU may have some similarities. But special areas like Operating Theater, Delivery Room, OPD, Emergency, and ambulatory units may have their own unique routines. Routines in the special areas in the hospital are not taken into consideration in this handbook but individual items may be applicable to such areas. A. First Endorsement of the Shift First endorsement is defined as an endorsement of an outgoing nurse in a shift to an incoming nurse. The main purpose of this endorsement is to ensure continuity of care and avoid errors as well as missing vital interventions to the patient such as medications and special instructions. Endorsement will also safeguard personal safety of the incoming nurse of cases that are infectious that deserves special infection precautions. Below is the table for chronological items for endorsement. Table 1. Relevant Chronological Data for Patient Endorsement Patient’s name and Bed Number Diagnosis (medical) Attending Physician Age of the patient Medications Special InstructionsOngoing Interventions Laboratories and Diagnostics Special Needs of the Patient Latest Vital Signs THE PATIENT’S NAME and BED NUMBER Knowing your patient is an indispensible part of safety of care. This is to avoid mix up in the identification and documentation of the right patient. Though merely knowing the name of the patient is not enough this has to be validated by the incoming nurse when the nurse performs his or her own rounds. The endorsement shall give the name and the bed number of the patient. DIAGNOSIS Knowledge of the diagnosis or diagnoses are both for the safety of the nurse and the client as well. What is endorsed is the medical diagnosis as determined by the attending physician. With knowledge of the medical diagnosis, a nurse can immediately provide appropriate independent and dependent interventions per clinical judgment as he or she performs the nurse rounds. ATTENDING PHYSICIAN Endorsing the name of the attending physician will alert the nurse who to immediately refer to in the event of emergency or urgent situation arises. There should be an established system of how to reach attending physician or an alternate physician in case of emergent situation. One such system is the permanent list of telephone number to which the physician can be reached. If there is special consultant/s assigned to the patient it might as well be included too in the endorsement. AGE OF THE PATIENT Age of the patient is necessary for endorsement information so that the incoming nurse can anticipate what nursing approach to implement. MEDICATIONS As a matter of principle, errors in medication are never tolerated. However, no matter we desire for perfection, the chance and occurrence of an error may always be present. Errors in medication have different aspects. See Table 2 for types of medication errors. Wrong medication administered once absorbed by the body may have from nil to serious effects. We cannot afford to wait for a serious incident before becoming conscious of the proper medication. Table 2. Some Types of Medication Error 1. Failure to properly document medication. 2. Missing to carry out medication advice such as new prescription, modification of medicine, and discontinuance of medicine. 3. Mistake in the correct name, dosage, route, and timing of the medication. 4. Missed or interrupted medication. 5. Failure to observe Rights to Medication 6. Failure to maintain asepsis in medication administration. 7. Failure to validate doubts to medication. 8. Inappropriate nursing assessment of the client prior to medication administration. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Special instructions are instructions coming the principal care provider of the patient such his or her attending physician, specialist, consultant, or from a senior house officer (SNO) Table 3. Some Lists of Special Instructions 1. Complete bed rest without bathroom privileges (CBR w/o BP) 2. On NPO 3. On clear or liquid diet only 4. No dark colored diet5. Gluten free diet 6. Turn to side q certain hours 7. Instructions to known allergies of the patient such as aspirin or a kind of antibiotic 8. For breath retraining Note: the nurse should also exercise clinical judgment to implement independent nursing intervention without the instruction of professional advice. Table 4. Some List of Independent Nursing Interventions 1. Nursing assessment 2. Turning the patient 3. Deep breathing and coughing 4. Checking of gag or swallowing reflex 5. Vital signs as PRN or stat 6. Referral to head and physician 7. Infection control and safety 8. Splinting of abdominal surgery9. ROM exercise 10. Providing comfort and massage 11. TSB 12. Early safe ambulation 13. Oxygen therapy 14. Positioning of HOB or head of bed 15. Oral suctioning 16. Termination of infiltrated IV access ONGOING and TO BE- CARRIED-OUT INTERVENTION Ongoing intervention is a nursing implementation of an advice that is currently being administered and is attached to the patient when the nurse who initiated it is to leave from work or bound for home. The safety of the client is primary purpose of the importance of this endorsement; secondly to avoid miscommunication or confusion to the ingoing process on the patient; and finally to ensure continuity of care. It is best to include in this aspect of endorsement relevant data to obtain accurate fluid intake and output monitoring such as the present volume of current IV, all volumes of catheter bags, level of serous fluids in water seal bottles, level of fluids in drainage bag, syringe pump, and all other similar procedures. Ongoing lood transfusion endorsement shall include the number of bags required, the current number of bag, number of remaining bag, date and time started, blood and Rh type, Serial number, and date of expiration. It is important that pending or to be-carried- out advice such as diagnostics and laboratory studies and fluid therapy be included as well. Missing out the advice and costly redundancy will be avoided through this way. Important attention should be given to blood transfusion advice. To be carried-out blood transfusion or BT should have result of cross-matching before implementation. Blood and Rh type for the right patient should be checked three 3 times with the last time to be confirmed by another staff. Table below lists some common intervention that may be having medium or long term intervention. Table 5. Some Medium and Long-Term Interventions 1. IVF therapy 2. Blood transfusion 3. Bladder irrigation 4. CTT with water seal bottle 5. Machine Ventilator 6. Lavage 7. Central Venous catheter 8. Urinary catheterization9. Phototherapy 10. Wound drainage 11. Hemovac 12. Skin or skeletal traction 13. Infusion pump 14. Syringe pump 15. Antithrombotic device By Dennis D. Monte, University of Sirte, Libya How to cite The Beginner Nurse, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Market Research Proposal and Positioning Map free essay sample

Arguments to choose this type of survey: * Quick way to get results * Cheap * Easy to analyze * Various options of visual aids (e. g. diagrams, charts) can be done automatically * Best way for high response rate, especially if possibility to win free gift is offered to the respondents who will fill out the questionnaire (e. g. offer them to win X1 Fitness or other sports accessory) Also personal interviews with key decision makers would be very helpful. Arguments to choose this type of survey: Respondents who can offer special insight It will cost a lot less than traditional face-to-face interviews, because a lot less staff will be needed to carry out surveys, when interviewing only few people * There is no need to motivate respondents, because they are interested in generating more sales Research Design Research has to be carried out by sending out online questionnaire (as well as paper version) and interviewing face-to-face key decision makers in the market (managers of leading sport accessory and electronics stores). First method of research would help to identify how the product is perceived by customers, second would help to get some advertisements ideas. Research will be focused on quantitative information, since it is much easier to analyze (especially if there are many respondents). Also there would be some qualitative information involved, mainly to find out about product perception. This project focuses on field research. First of all, paper questionnaires should be sent out to professional athletes, fitness centres and sport equipment/electronics store’s customers to be filled out. At the top of the questionnaire there should be a picture and description of the product. There should be possibility to win a prize mentioned at the top as well, for high response rate. Secondly, links to online questionnaire should be posted to various websites (sport/health/technical related blogs, sport supplies e-shops, electronic devices e-shops, sport/health/technical related groups on Facebook, etc). Problem Statement The research is done to find out about new product perception among current and potential customers, and create advertising strategy adapted to the main target group. Questionnaire Types of questions: 1. Personal information (e. g. How old are you? ; What is your monthly income? ) 2. Sport habits (e. g. How often do you work out? ; Do you use personal trainer services? If no, why? ; 3. Product perception (e. g. Please rate the following features of X1 Fitness on how important they are to you; What do you like most about our new product? open question; What do you like least? open question; Which of the following benefits is more useful to you? ; How interested you were in buying X1 Fitness if it was available to you? ; Other than the product itself, which of the following would most influence you when deciding to buy a new product like this? ; Where do you prefer to buy electronic devices? ; How do you get information about different electronic devices? First group of questions need to be asked to identify target group. It would be easiest to do by identifying age and income. Second group of questions needs to be asked to analyze different exercising habits by different people. Third group of questions is the most important one and has most questions. To create effective advertising strategy it’s vital to understand features and benefits of the product that are appealing for the consumer (both of these are open questions to find out real opinion, not a suggested one), as well as buying influencing factors. Two last questions will give some ideas about distribution and advertising channels. Interviewing face-to-face key decision makers It should be structured and personal interviews with key decision makers in the industry (managers of leading sport accessory and electronics stores). Opportunity to gather data outside customer perspective and get valuable ideas for the advertising is not to be missed. Respondents who work in the industry have special insight. Most probably they will share opinions to generate more profit for both sides. Types of questions to be asked: 1. Product potential (do you sell similar products? what products sell best? ; what does the customers think about different products who have the same feature? ) 2. Advertising suggestions (what advertising/promotion campaigns do you currently run for sport accessories? ; what is the customer response to these campaigns? ; please list few very successful advertising campaigns for sport accessory products – open que stion; advertising suggestion of the X1 Fitness product) Analysis of the results Results have to gathered and analyzed in 2 different groups: fitness centers customers and respondents who filled out online questionnaire and professional athletes. Depending on resources for advertising, 2 different campaigns could be created to target two different groups of potential customers: one for professional athletes and one for sport enthusiasts. If advertising expenses have to be minimal, only one advertising strategy could be created, focused on main target group (similar income rate, age group and sport habits). Either way strategy has to be focused on the most important features and benefits as well as customer likes/dislikes about the product. Face-to-face interviews most probably offer different kind of perspective. It will help to create appealing advertising campaign that really works. Cafe Verona To make useful positioning map a lot of information about the company and competitors is needed. In the project description not too much information is provided and there is very little information on the Internet (websites crucial for attracting tourists, e. g. http://www. goteborg. com, http://www. tripadvisor. com, does not have any information about Cafe Verona). It does not have a website of it’s own nor Facebook page and it doesn’t help to advertise the business. It is more useful to use star diagram instead of typical two axes positioning map. This way more attributes influencing customer decision will be considered, instead only few. To get clear understanding about customer preferences and reasons behind it, market research has to be done, about how important each of these attributes are for the customer. Factors for the market positioning map: Pricing is an important measure for the customer, especially in this economic climate. Expensive and prestigious cafe attract completely different kind of target group than budget cafe. Catering businesses that have similar pricing are the closest competitors. Wide or limited choice of products offered is also very important factor for the customer. If there are only few options on the menu there are less chances customer will find what he likes. Service is one of the key factors when evaluating cafe/restaurant. Friendly and professional staff can make the experience better or worse. It also means a lot for the first impression and gives suggestion about the level of the eatery. Environment makes an impact for the overall impression about the eatery. Good environment is pleasant, relaxing and welcoming, not too noisy or crowded. Serving size is also important factor, especially looking at the reviews of different eateries. Customers are not willing to pay high price for small portions of food, unless it’s fancy famous restaurant serving exceptional quality food. Quality is the overall impression about the eatery. Customers decide about the quality by evaluating how professional the staff is, how comfortable environment is, interior of the eatery, etc. Star positioning map: Criteria for identifying competitors could be eateries (cafes and restaurants) that: * Offer similar products and/or service strategy * Have same target groups * Have similar pricing * Are located in same area Cafes/restaurants that are similar can be compared easier. There have to be not too many attributes by which cafes/restaurants are being compared. If there are a lot, only very small group will be considered as competitors, but there might be much more on the market. Key attributes mentioned above will select similar type of cafe/restaurant which appeals for the same target group.